Have you ever been stranded on the side of the road with smoke coming out from under your hood? Or has your engine ever not started in the middle of winter because the engine fluid was frozen solid? No fun, that’s for sure! Most IA drivers don’t know that their Coolant System is the 2nd most common cause for vehicle failure. With that being said it is also very easy to prevent. If you take good care of your Coolant System, it will take good care of you. Having your Coolant System flushed regularly will prevent system failure and prolong the engine life.
Your vehicles engine creates a lot of heat, so much heat that if it’s not properly cooled it can lock up, resulting in massive damage and unwanted repair bills. When everything is working right, your engine works at the proper temperature and all is well. Without antifreeze in your coolant system, the water can freeze and cause engine damage. So the right mix of antifreeze and water protects the engine from damage of freezing and overheating. Antifreeze also protects the engine against corrosion that can cause the system to fail. Our Certified technicians know when your coolant needs to be changed and they can perform an antifreeze/coolant system flush.
A coolant system flush cleans out the system and replaces the old fluid with fresh coolant. This is a low cost way to protect your vehicle from major engine repair down the road. So stop by Hilltop Tire Service today and get a Coolant System Flush and enjoy long engine life.
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